Anand Raj Group is a well-known name in the field of Geotechnical and Bridge Engineering which has emerged as a gigantic firm in providing services to our clients of Geotechnical Engineering nature from past four decades. The Company originated in the year 1982 and as of now, we have completed more than 42 years of rendering continuous and dedicated service to our clients, successfully executing more than 2500 major projects of various faculties and challenging complexities.
We have made a key mark by being the sole geotechnical consultant for the prestigious projects of EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY, NORTH FRONTIER RAILWAY, EAST COAST RAILWAY, WESTERN RAILWAY, KERALA RAIL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD & Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam Ltd. and have shared a glorious history of more than 30 yrs with these prime departments of the Govt. of India.
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